Pops Cap V1.0
This is Pops Cap.
He always yarns me to wear mungawalla (hat) whenever we go do yard work. But cant be wearing wide brim straw hat all day, so I bring you the Pops Cap V1.0
High quality embroidering keeps that little ! thing on top of your head like The Sims. It tells a lil story in there too, about the lessons my pops taught me, the love he's shared, and his role in our family.
Hook-n-loop back strap with cotton dome casing. Fit snug and look doll with that artwork on top, guided by the energies of my pop.
Behind the Artwork
It's more than just whats in our DNA. The front graphic tells a story that all of us mob can relate to. The two colours represent two worlds of which we are connected - the physical and the spiritual.
The scene takes place at a large family gathering, a wedding, funeral, birthday, tombstone unveiling, cards night.
On the ground we sit, watching, thinking, learning. We are comfortable, surrounded by the ones we love, the ones we look up to, taking in all the happenings around us.
In the back, the rest of our family carries on, singing, laughing, yarning.
Our focus turns to them mob in front of us, them four Elders. We're listening to their stories which seem to write themselves onto the ground before us - where we come from and where we are today.
In the eyes of our Elders we can see it all, generations past, them Old People who they always talk about but we've never met, their spirit still runs deep.
We look to the right, new generations are emerging. They walk along that same path.
We're still listening, learning, them mob still carrying on in the back, but we're just little kaka bums.. our gaze turns to the sky as we wonder what the future holds. The stars would always shine the brightest on nights like them.